Make a deck of compound cards using the list of Common Ions which I gave to you in class. Don't just make one of each card, make lots of repeat cards of the same ion so that the deck can be used to play a game. Include as many of the ions as you can. The challenge is to create a set of cards which can be used to play solitaire. Photograph your set of compounds.
Evaluation criteria
18-20- your cards are complete and you were able to make a variety of compounds. The deck is very creative. And the writing is legible, in ink or typed.
15-17 - your cards are comprehensive but not totally complete. The deck is written in pencil.
10-14 - your cards are a good start and almost a complete set. the deck is written in pencil
0-9 - your cards are pretty good but they are not yet complete. You need to complete this assignment.