Friday 10 December 2021

Gastrula, Blastula and the blastopore

 Embryonic development involves a zygote undergoing stages of development, making blastula and gastrula.  Have a look at these under the microscope and upload a pic of your drawing and photo of the following specimens:  blastula, gastrula, whitefish mitosis, human sperm specimen

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Co-Dominance and human blood groups

 What if the heterozygous trait exhibited codominance?  in this case, two alleles can code for co-dominant traits.  That is, neither is dominant over the other.  Blood type is an example of this:

A is codominant to B
A is dominant over O
B is dominant over O

Possible genotypes:

heterozygous AB blood gives both type A protein and type  B protein on the erythrocytes.

homozygous AA gives blood type A  protein on the erythrocytes
homozygous BB is blood type B protein on the erythrocytes

Heterozygous AO is gives blood type A
Heterozygous BO is blood type B

homozygous recessive OO gives blood type O .
There is  neither A or B on erythrocytes.

You have heard that blood type is important for blood transfusions. That is because the immune system will always attack an unknown protein.  Thus

type A person can receive  type A blood, and will reject type B blood

type B person can receive type B blood and will reject type A blood.

type AB person can receive type A blood and Type B blood

Type O person can receive nobody's blood except from another type O

Everyone can receive type O, No-one can receive type AB

Blood type is heritable and that means you can sometimes deduce genotype by looking at phenotype. Here is a sample question:

Thursday 2 December 2021

What Colour is this Dress?


There is a very interesting dress. It has caused major arguments!  This dress causes your cells in your retinas to perceive it to be certain colours depending on the state of your retinas. Of course your genes determine what your retinas are like...but also your retinas change over time too!  

Your perception is also based on whether you think this dress is in shadow or light...Try this, 

 I would like you to ask  20 people you know "What colours do you see on this dress:  Is it :  




D.  NONE OF THE ABOVE...THEN what colour is it?  

What are the characteristics of the people who are more likely to say that it is any of the choices above?   

Remember you can poll people without meeting face to face. Ask a variety of people including old, young, male, female...put your results on a table and hypothesize why people see different colours





The sex chromosomes are XX and XY in humans. Some alleles are located on the X chromosome. But very few on the Y chromosome.  Remember that people who are  females have the genotype XX and people who are males have XY.

The Y chromosome carries very little information, only enough to influence the embryo on the path towards male primary and secondary characteristics.

Meanwhile, many RECESSIVE ALLELES are located on the X chromosome, including
1. hemophilia, the inability to clot blood
2. colourblindness inability to tell the difference between red and green colour
3.  baldness

These characteristics are far more common in malea than females because males have only one X. And if that X contains the recessive allele, they will show the phenotype.  Meanwhile, females may have the recessive and their dominant genes on their other X will protect them.  For example
An example of using a punnet square to calculate probability is here:

Some things to note about sex linkage:  Signs of sex linked alleles are:
1. more males get the phenotype, but females can be carriers
2.  males can inherit from mother but not father (because males get their X from mom)
3.  females have an extra X and this protects them.  Females must be homozygous to show the sex linked phenotype.
Further reading on sex linkage here

FYI if you were born a male and you want to know if you're colourblind:  Test yourself here: But careful, if you are a genetically male, you might find out you are colour blind!  Apparently most people find out they are colourblind from their science teacher !

Basic practice worksheet going over main concepts

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Vulcan Mating ritual


Vulcan Mating Ritual

Mating Lab: 
Purpose:  To have hypothetical offspring with at least 4 other individuals
In the class and calculate the probability of certain traits using a punnet
Square.  Next, you will perform a Vulcan mating ritual (pon farr) where
you randomly pick an allele from the other person and they randomly pick
one of your alleles.  Then observe the traits of your offspring.  Have 8 kids per mate
Keep track of the genotype of each kid.  By the end of the activity, you will have 32 kids


Write down your phenotype for the following characteristics:
Earlobe attachment or unattached.   E.   e
Tongue rolling or not                       T       t
Cleft chin or smooth chin.                C     c
Widow’s peak or not                          W  w
Natural curl or straight hair         N  n
Dimples or not       D    d
Righty or Lefty       R   r
Freckles or not       F  f
biologically female  XX or biologically male XY

For each trait, make the genotype as alleles on two small pieces of paper.
 Write your phenotypes now:

For each mate you have draw nine punnet squares  representing
 each trait and
calculate the Probability of each trait.

Mate 1’s  genotype:_Ff WW tt nn rr dd cc  Ee__XX_________________
Punnet squares: indicate probability

Actual genotypes of the offspring. Draw a cartoon of your kids. Name them
Offspring :
1.ff Ww Tt  Dd Cc EE rr


Monday 29 November 2021

Clover Genetic Variation

 We know that plants are important to the ecosystem because they photosynthesize. Did you know that some plants are legumes and these are special because they have ROOT NODULES which are nitrogen fixers.  These root nodules are little rooms where Rhizobium bacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonium and then Nitrobacter bacterium in the soil  converts ammonium into nitrates. Plants can absorb nitrates to make plant protein.  When those plants are eaten by animals, then animals use the nitrogen to make animal protein.  You can say that all the protein on your body (muscles, enzymes, hair, fingernail etc) was built from nitrogen which was fixed by Rhizobium at some point in time.  

ASSIGNMENT:  10 points

Only certain plants contain these root nodules...amongst them are  bean plants and clover plants.   Look at the morphology of clover plants below.  Look on our school grounds  and find AS MANY DIFFERENT GENETIC VARIETIES as you can.  Upload your clover pic with Frog on a doc or ppt and hand in. 

This picture is from research done by Tashiro et al on the genetics of clover plants.


1. Your pictures of the clovers or clover patch
2.  The numbers of EACH TYPE of clover 
3.   Why is it important to keep a species inventory of plants such as clover in an ecosystem?

Wednesday 24 November 2021

A review of meiosis and mitosis

 Although you studied mitosis and meiosis last year, it is worth a look again to make sure you have all the steps down correctly.  This video explains how alleles are connected to the steps of mitosis and meiosis.  I also assume this is familiar from last year.  I recommend watching the Genes, Alleles and Chromatids video first so you understand the terms

Please watch this video.  Also make a note that while gametes are made in organs that are biologically male or female, the gender identity of the person  might be woman, man or nonbinary. 

Mitosis and Meiosis Assignment : you may work in pairs if you wish: 

Answer the following questions on your own paper and photograph this and send it in through teams. Answer in full sentences and draw your answers.

1.  What is Chromatin?  How many strands are there in a human?
2.  How many chromatids are there in a human?
3.  What is the 2n  or diploid number?
4.  What is mitosis used for?
5.  What is meiosis used for?
6.  Define "Gamete"
7.  What is the Haploid number?
8.  What organ makes sperm, what makes egg?
9.  How many chromatids are in a sperm or egg?
10 Draw a fertilization
11.  Draw how sperm cells are made using the number 46 to represent the chromatid number.
12.  Draw and label Chromatin, Chromatid, Sister chromatids, Chromosome.  And show me a homologous chromosome
13.    Draw a mitosis with 2n= 6.  Label the stages in detail. Remember to draw Interphase and show chromatins.
14.  Draw a meiois with 2n=6.   Label the stages.
Again, draw interphase and show the chromatin.
15a. Why does crossing over happen during prophase I?
15b.  What is primary nondisjunction.  What can happen to the chromatid number?

16.  The word chromosome is very tricky it's true definition is:

1 chromosome = 2 identical sister chromatids joined together in a centromere,
What is the other definition and why can it be a very tricky word?

17.  Write the steps of meiosis and mitosis side by side.   (this is at the end of the video)

You can also take a look at this resource.  It is meiosis and mitosis from a college level text book.  This is extended reading for those who are interested in going through biology.  I think many of you can actually handle this level.

Cartoon /20
20 - This stands out in its effort and creativity
18-19. This is done in ink and colour and includes all the details above and the details are all correct.  This is excellent

15-17. This is very good work with effort and correct details.  Some details are not there but most are there and there is excellent quality of drawing and presentation.

10-14. This is a very good start and your work shows creativity.  It is not in colour or ink and looks like a very nice draft

5-9.  This is incomplete but a decent start.

Poem with screen grabs from video
20. Your poem truly stands out.  You show exceptional talent and you include all the details
19-19. Your poem shows talent in writing, with creative and memorable images.  You include all the details above and also your poem rhymes with excellent rhythm.

15-17. This is very good work with effort and correct details.  Some details are not there but most are there and there is excellent quality of writing.

10-14. This is a very good start and your work shows creativity. like a very nice draft

5-9.  This is incomplete but a decent start.

A powerpoint with the information above

Let me know if you want to make a video, a dance, a podcast, a news article, an interview...any other format is accepted. 

Wednesday 17 November 2021

November 18: Introduction to Genetics

 Watch my introduction to Genetics video and make notes on it. You may use the notes organizer I provided in class called "The analogy of shoes"

Intro to Genetics ASSIGNMENT /20 marks 
Answer these questions on this worksheet  on a separate paper in ink, or typed. 

Sunday 7 November 2021

Nov 8 lesson: Radioactivity Intro: Alpha, Beta and Gamma decay

Watch the  two videos below and take notes on them.  Please do the following worksheets if you can locate them. 

The section 7.1 worksheet is at the back of the class If you can find it, then work on it.    one answer key is here and the other  Answer key  is here.

The 7.2 half life worksheet is also back there. Look for it and do it. If these cannot be found no worries, work on your labs.

Safety precautions:   Please open all windows, turn on exhaust fan and maintain physical distance. 

TWO worksheets to be handed in through TEAMS: total 5 marks completion each.

Thursday 4 November 2021

DNA Replication

 Watch all three videos on DNA replication. 

This DNA replication Song was made by my students in 2007.  They were grade 11 students taking my bio 12 course.  Their music teacher is the same as your band teacher now.

Assignment 5: Answer the following questions in a creative format

1. Why does DNA replication happen?  Give three reasons
2. a. Draw a nucleotide and identify the 5' end and the 3' end
    b. draw a DNA ladder structure and label the 5' and 3 ' end

3.  Compare and contrast DNA and RNA.
a.  What are they made of?
b. What are their nitrogen bases?
c.  What enzymes synthesize DNA and RNA?
d.  How does DNA polymerase join one nucleotide with another nucleotide?

4.  What are the main steps of DNA Replication.  Include details of what each enzyme does
a.  Helicase
b. Primase
c. DNA pol III
d.  exonuclease
e. DNA pol I
f. ligase

5.  In what direction does DNA polymerase synthesize the new DNA strand?
6.  How is the lead strand different from the lag strand?
7.  What is an okazaki fragment?

Creative Formats:  Choose one format
Draw a cartoon in colour.
Write a poem or rap  that actually rhymes
Sing a song


Cartoon /20
20 - This stands out in its effort and creativity
18-19. This is done in ink and colour and includes all the details above and the details are all correct.  This is excellent

15-17. This is very good work with effort and correct details.  Some details are not there but most are there and there is excellent quality of drawing and presentation.

10-14. This is a very good start and your work shows creativity.  It is not in colour or ink and looks like a very nice draft

5-9.  This is incomplete but a decent start.

20. Your poem truly stands out.  You show exceptional talent and you include all the details
19-19. Your poem shows talent in writing, with creative and memorable images.  You include all the details above and also your poem rhymes with excellent rhythm.

15-17. This is very good work with effort and correct details.  Some details are not there but most are there and there is excellent quality of writing.

10-14. This is a very good start and your work shows creativity. like a very nice draft

5-9.  This is incomplete but a decent start.

20. your song stands out
18-19. you have  a. brilliant song. which includes all the details and they are correct.
15-17. This is a very good song.  Some details are left out but what talent you have!
10-14. This is a really great song.  It needs to include more of the DNA content
5-9. This is a first draft.

Monday 1 November 2021

Extracting DNA from a strawberry

 MODIFICATIONS:  USE ONLY ONE STRAWBERRY. And cut the recipe for the extraction liquid in half.


Lab Write up

1.  Write the Purpose of the lab
2.  Your hypothesis:  How did you expect this experiment to turn out?
4.  Draw your own cartoon of the procedure.  
5.  Write your results.  What did you observe.  Include photos of your experiment.
6.  Write a conclusion which is a paragraph describing what you learned.  

in this lab, you may hand in a group lab report: 

EVALUATION   IS OUT OF 25 IN TOTAL and you may work in a group of two or three
presentation is out of 5.  
For 5/5 it is typed  with illustrations or photos and emailed HANDED IN THROUGH TEAMS for 4/5 it is pretty good but there are a few spelling mistakes.  for 0-3 out of 5 it is in pencil or messy.  I prefer this to be printed

Clear writing is out of 10.  for 9/10 or 10/10, it is written with no English mistakes and it clearly communicates each part of the lab report.    7-8/10  it is very well written     for 5-6/10 some parts are not so clear and the reader must guess what you are trying to say.  0-4/10, it is minimally communicating what happened

Paragraphs are insightful and your observations are well done. this is out of 10.
             9-10/10,   your observations and conclusions are well written and logical.  It is brilliant
              7-8/10   your observations and conclusions are very well done
               5-6   your conclusions don't really logically follow from your results
                0-4   your conclusions are not relating to your results at all

write all names and who contributed what including the % of their contribution. so two people who contributed equally would be50%

Introduction to DNA

  Watch my videos on DNA

Here is another video from youtube which explains these concepts in more detail.

Assignment - 15 points


A. Summarize the main points of the DNA notes AND the DNA slide show in a Cartoon Format and make a clear photo of this cartoon.  upload your assignment in Microsoft Teams.   Include the details about Watson and Crick and Franklin.

10 points:  You included all the main points in a colourful, creative format which is written in ink and coloured.  You used humour and creativity and your assignment stands out for showing an understanding of the key points

8-9 :  you include all the main points and you show excellence and creativity. your assignment is in colour and inked

5-7 :  you include most of the main points and your assignment is handed in. It is a good start and  You needed more time to finish this.

2-4:  you handed something in that was not quite complete, although it is a pretty good start

You may do Assignment 3 Aas a poem that rhymes if you don't want to draw.

3B.  take a picture of  your drawing of this worksheet filled out: You may redraw it or edit it in Paint.
5 points

Sunday 31 October 2021

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Three PINK mystery liquids


What is the identity of the three pink liquids?  Write/draw your procedure in cartoon format and upload your observations in form of photos.  Explain your findings using vocab words from our chem unit: acid, base, salt, indicator, neutralization, pH, equation. 

EVALUATION   IS OUT OF 25 IN TOTAL and you may work in a group of two or three
presentation is out of 5.  for 5/5 it is typed  with illustrations or photos .    
 for 4/5 it is pretty good but there are a few spelling mistakes.  for 0-3 out of 5 it is in pencil or messy.  I prefer this to be printed

Clear writing is out of 10.  for 9/10 or 10/10, it is written with no English mistakes and it clearly communicates each part of the lab report.    7-8/10  it is very well written     for 5-6/10 some parts are not so clear and the reader must guess what you are trying to say.  0-4/10, it is minimally communicating what happened

Paragraphs are insightful and your observations are well done. this is out of 10.
             9-10/10,   your observations and conclusions are well written and logical.  It is brilliant
              7-8/10   your observations and conclusions are very well done
               5-6   your conclusions don't really logically follow from your results
                0-4   your conclusions are not relating to your results at all

write all names and who contributed what including the % of their contribution. so two people who contributed equally would be50%

Thursday 21 October 2021

Ecology Interlude

 And now we interrupt our chem unit with a dose of ecology! Here is the Ecosystem worksheet

Copies are located at the back of the room.

please view my lecture on ecology and do the worksheet and study this content for the  upcoming  (online open book) quiz next week which will include this content as well as chem content.

Wednesday 20 October 2021

A review of Types of Reactions and an intro to metal oxides and organic compounds


First lets review the main types of reactions: 

notes on types of reactions

Chemical reactions may be categorized as follows : 

1.     Synthesis
2.     Decomposition
3.     Single replacement
4.     Double replacement

5.     Combustion
       Cellular Respiration
6.     Oxidation of metals

A Synthesis reaction:
element     +   element    -->    compound

Decomposition reaction:
Compound    -->   element     +     element

Compound --> smaller compound    +   element


single replacement

Combustion:  combustion may happen to any *organic compound* meaning any compound made of carbon, hydrogen and/or oxygen...
Carbon based compound+ oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water
+ heat and light energy

Cell respiration looks like combustion,
BUT IT IS NOT. YOUR CELLS ARE NOT COMBUSTING.  The carbon based compound in this case is glucose, a simple sugar.

Glucose +   oxygen -->  carbon dioxide + water + energy for cell

Oxidation reaction

Metal +  oxygen   -->   metal oxide


In summary....


Tuesday 12 October 2021


    Read the following notes

Assignment : Do the study questions, put your name on it and photograph it.   Answer key is here.

You will be doing a simple two beaker experiment to observe rates of reaction.

Three Mystery Liquids

 You did an experiment with THREE MYSTERY LIQUIDS using a spot place, eye droppers and two indicators: litmus paper and Universal indicator.  Write a lab with all of these elements:  

Your lab must include the following

1.  First and Last names of all investigators
2. Purpose of lab:  write about how this lab illustrates examples of acids, bases, and indicators.  Explain how the lab relates to these substances
3. Materials: write a complete list of materials that we used
4. Procedure: write a step by step procedure (including illustrations if it makes it clearer) that is so well written that another person could read it and replicate your actions exactly
5.  What is the question we are trying to answer?  
6. Results:  Describe in detail what happened after you did the procedure.  Include any photos you took.  

EVALUATION   IS OUT OF 25 IN TOTAL and you may work in a group of two or three
presentation is out of 5.  for 5/5 it is typed  with illustrations or photos and emailed to     for 4/5 it is pretty good but there are a few spelling mistakes.  for 0-3 out of 5 it is in pencil or messy.  I prefer this to be printed

Clear writing is out of 10.  for 9/10 or 10/10, it is written with no English mistakes and it clearly communicates each part of the lab report.    7-8/10  it is very well written     for 5-6/10 some parts are not so clear and the reader must guess what you are trying to say.  0-4/10, it is minimally communicating what happened

Paragraphs are insightful and your observations are well done. this is out of 10.
             9-10/10,   your observations and conclusions are well written and logical.  It is brilliant
              7-8/10   your observations and conclusions are very well done
               5-6   your conclusions don't really logically follow from your results
                0-4   your conclusions are not relating to your results at all

write all names and who contributed what including the % of their contribution. so two people who contributed equally would be50%

Monday 4 October 2021

Bohr Diagram


We will practice drawing Bohr Diagrams and Lewis diagrams.   You should work through this Study guide on the same topic as well as the worksheet handed out in class.  Finish these two worksheets and upload pics of your covalent compound "cookies" upload them on TEAMS  for 5 marks.  

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Liver Anyone? Today you were baristas and you made Liver Lattes and tested the foam !

 In the human body, ENZYMES help speed up chemical reactions. 

Today we take a piece of raw pork liver and add it to Hydrogen Peroxide.  Raw liver contains an enzyme called "catalase" which has a job of breaking the bonds in hydrogen peroxide.  When those bonds are broken, atoms rearrange themselves and new products are formed.  

In today's lab, we discover the new products

Monday 27 September 2021

Make lego models of your balancing equations worksheet

Work with a partner and make lego balancing equations out of 5 of the worksheet questions  chapter 6

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Law of Conservation of Lego


We did some practice with lego to learn the law of conservation of mass

Nomenclature : Greek Naming system for nonmetals bonding with other nonmetals

 Learn how to write formula and compounds of nonmetals in my  video lesson below


Tuesday 21 September 2021

Make lego formula

  practice making lego formulae.  Take a picture of the lego formulae you did in class

We will learn the analogy of LEGO and  practice building lego compounds, and writing lego formulae

Take a picture of the work you did in class

15 marks


Friday 17 September 2021

Calcium and Water lab report

  Assignment:   Write up our lab on Calcium and water. 

image by Katelyn M

 Your lab must include the following

1.  First and Last names of all investigators

2. Purpose of lab:  The purpose of the lab is to find out what happens when you add calcium to water.  Describe the teacher demo that preceded this lab. 

3.a Materials: write a complete list of materials that we used including the litmus paper at the end.
b.  Safety:  list the safety precautions for this lab

4. Procedure: Draw a cartoon to describe the step by step procedure  that is so well written that another person could read it and replicate your actions exactly. You may also upload pics demonstrating your procedure.

5.  What is the question we are trying to answer?  For example there were two possible gases that came out of this reaction.  What gases were they?
6. Results:  Describe in detail what happened after you did the procedure.  Include any photos you took.  How did you know you made the gas, which gas?  
7.  Write your conclusion in paragraph form.  


presentation is out of 5.  for 5/5 it is typed  with illustrations or photos and handed in electronically or on paper
     for 4/5 it is pretty good but there are a few spelling mistakes.  for 0-3 out of 5 it is in pencil or messy.  I prefer this to be printed

Clear writing is out of 10.  for 9/10 or 10/10, it is written with no English mistakes and it clearly communicates each part of the lab report.    7-8/10  it is very well written     for 5-6/10 some parts are not so clear and the reader must guess what you are trying to say.  0-4/10, it is minimally communicating what happened

Paragraphs are insightful and your observations are well done. this is out of 10.
             9-10/10,   your observations and conclusions are well written and logical.  It is brilliant
              7-8/10   your observations and conclusions are very well done
               5-6   your conclusions don't really logically follow from your results
                0-4   your conclusions are not relating to your results at all

write all names and who contributed what including the % of their contribution. so two people who contributed equally would be50%

Ionic Bonding

 Watch my lecture on Ionic bonding. Work on the worksheet on ionic bonding and also work on your compound cards 

5 marks you did the practice worksheets
5 marks, you played solitaire

Solitaire assignment:
play a game of solitaire and make at least 
10 ionic compounds using your cards. 
photograph your cards AND 
a list of your formula.   Hand in on TEAMS

Thursday 16 September 2021

The Game of Compound!

 Make a deck of compound cards using the list of Common Ions which I gave to you in class.   Don't just make one of each card, make lots of repeat cards of the same ion so that the deck can be used to play a game.  Include as many of the ions as you can.   The challenge is to create a set of cards which can be used to play solitaire.  Photograph your set of  compounds.  

Evaluation criteria

18-20- your cards are complete and you were able to make a variety of compounds. The deck is very creative.  And the writing is legible, in ink or typed.

15-17 - your cards are comprehensive but not totally complete.  The deck is written in pencil. 

10-14 - your cards are a good start and almost a complete set. the deck is written in pencil

0-9 - your cards are pretty good but they are not yet complete.  You need to complete this assignment. 

Monday 13 September 2021

The Imploding Can demonstration

 In our first lesson we  will go over science safety and start out with studying the ATOM. 

I will do a lesson on phase changes of atoms demonstrating SOLID, LIQUID, GAS.

I will ask you to write a paragraph describing our demo and also explaining phase changes in solid liquid and gas

Assignment 2:  summarize the class activity SOLID LIQUID AND GAS and explain how I did the demonstration using the following words:  solid, liquid, gas, evapouration, condensation, absolute zero, thermal energy, space between atoms.  draw a picture of the demo.or cartoon,   or photograph. 

completed summary: /10

8-10 / 10 - you explain the concepts in clear language and use all vocab words. You are an exceptional communicator and you are correct. your grasp of the concepts are excellent.

6-7/10 - you do an incredible job of summarizing and explaining the concepts.  you miss a few of the words

0-5/10- this work is not yet complete

this is due next day

Sunday 12 September 2021

What is an Atom?

 Assignment 3:  Practice questions:   What is an atom?

An analogy for Atoms, Compounds and Formula, drawn by SN This video is the first in the series for beginner Chemistry. In this video, I use the analogy of the atom as units very much like "lego bricks". This analogy was first used by researchers in MIT.

assignment : 

1. Please do this worksheet in pen and also photograph it :

An introduction to Chemistry worksheet. The answer key to the worksheets are all here. 

2. practice making a model of ATOM, ELEMENT, COMPOUND, MIXTURE  and label it

3. practice making lego formulae.  Take a picture of the lego formulae you did in class

We will learn the analogy of LEGO and  practice building lego compounds, and writing lego formulae

Take a picture of the work you did in class

4.  Colour code the periodic table

15 marks


Thursday 9 September 2021

Safety Assignment

 1. Take a good look around our science room and imagine we are just about to do a lab were each student is given a flask of acid, a candle and magnesium. Identify ALL POTENTIAL HAZARDS in point form

2. Identify ANYTHING IN THE ROOM TO MITIGATE those hazards! in point form

3.  DRAW A MAP showing where the safety equipment is for all the things you mentioned in number 2


9-10/10.   Your assignment is complete, neat creative and inked and coloured 

7-8   Your assignment is complete, neat creative and really well done!  it is in pencil

3-6.  your assignment is a good start. it is incomplete.