Friday 13 December 2019

Radioactivity 2019

Go over these notes on radioactivity

Do the worksheet and check your answers right here

We learned about the devastating effects of the atom bomb and the theory behind the Manhattan Project.  Download the presentation here.  and make notes on it.  Finally, you may rewatch the BBC video and also watch the Crash course summary of Fission and Fusion.

If you finish this, then you have a study block

Sunday 8 December 2019

Science test part 3

Dear grade 10s, Monday for day1, and tuesday for day 2 you'll do part 3 of the balancing equations test.  On the first page, you will do 11 balancing equations problems.  Your full name is also worth one mark!  On the back of the page, you must summarize and draw all the main concepts of this unit on types of reactions.  Write EVERYTHING you know about types of reactions and balancing equations.  Use drawings.  Note that some of you started part 3.  You will not get your previous paper back today.  Please simply answer the questions on this new sheet.  For those of you who still need time for part 2, please talk to me when I return to class.  You will be given the opportunity to do it with me.

Thank you,

 Ms. Ng.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

lab report for Mg + Cupric sulphate, REMINDER FOR TEST NEXT BLOCK

reminder to study for your little TEST NEXT PERIOD

Your lab must include the following

1.  First and Last names of all investigators
2. Purpose of lab:  write about how this lab illustrates the types of reactions especially single displacement 

3. Materials: write a complete list of materials that we used
4. Procedure: write a step by step procedure (including illustrations if it makes it clearer) that is so well written that another person could read it and replicate your actions exactly
5.  What is the question we are trying to answer?  
Write the correct equation for this reaction
6. Results:  Describe in detail what happened after you did the procedure.  Include any photos you took.  How did you know you made a solid?  a new compound?  

7.  Write your conclusion in paragraph form.


presentation is out of 5.  for 5/5 it is typed  with illustrations or photos and emailed to     for 4/5 it is pretty good but there are a few spelling mistakes.  for 0-3 out of 5 it is in pencil or messy.  I prefer this to be printed

Clear writing is out of 10.  for 9/10 or 10/10, it is written with no English mistakes and it clearly communicates each part of the lab report.    7-8/10  it is very well written     for 5-6/10 some parts are not so clear and the reader must guess what you are trying to say.  0-4/10, it is minimally communicating what happened

Paragraphs are insightful and your observations are well done. this is out of 10.
             9-10/10,   your observations and conclusions are well written and logical.  It is brilliant
              7-8/10   your observations and conclusions are very well done
               5-6   your conclusions don't really logically follow from your results
                0-4   your conclusions are not relating to your results at all

write all names and who contributed what including the % of their contribution. so two people who contributed equally would be50%

Monday 18 November 2019

TEST ON DEC 5 and 6 on Types of Reactions Practice sheet with answers

HERE'S A VIDEO SUMMARIZING BALANCING EQUATIONS. Watch this video and then work on the practice questions below

Notes on type of reactions  are here
The practice sheet is here 
 the shortcut method of balancing from this sheet here 

Another sheet here


Friday 15 November 2019

nomenclature practice - edited for numbers 51-54

Nomenclature Practice Problems

For each formula, determine if the compound is Ionic or Molecular (Covalent).

1. CuCl2                       5. (NH4)2CO3                         
2. NaCl                        6. HCl
3. FeBr3                       7. NH4OH
4. H2O                         8. CCl4

Write the name for each ionic compound that you identified above. (Don’t forget Roman Numerals, if necessary.)

9. through 13.

Write the name for each molecular compound that you identified above.

14. through 16.

Write the formula for each ionic compound listed below. (Don’t forget Roman Numerals!)

17. iron (II) nitrate      23. iron (III) hydroxide
18. aluminum oxide     24. ammonium sulfate
19. potassium iodide    25. zinc nitrate
20. sodium nitrate        26. hydrogen sulfide
21. copper (I) nitrate   27. lead (II) sulfate
22. iron (III) oxide       28. potassium chlorate
Write the formula for each molecular compound listed below.

29. diphosphorus pentoxide
30. dihydrogen dioxide
31. sulfur dioxide
32. carbon tetrachloride
33. pentacarbon decoxide
34. silicon hexachloride
35. diphosphorus monobromide
36. selenium trioxide
37. tribismuth heptafluoride
38. nonacarbon decahydride

Write the common oxidation number (charge) for each element listed below.

39. sodium                   45. strontium
40. potassium               46. silicon
41. aluminum               47. chlorine
42. bromine                 48. argon
43. arsenic                    49. oxygen
44. copper                    50. magnesium

Write the missing formula or name.

*in 51 to 54, read the notes on how to name these from the Notes on type of reactions which are here
51. octane               53. C2H6
52. C6H6                 54. pentyne

Fill in the missing information for each compound. (Be sure to distinguish between ionic or molecular) (Don’t forget roman numerals, when necessary!)
56.     sulfurous acid

57.     nitrogen trihydride

61.     diphosphorus pentoxide

62.     hydrochloric acid

63.     mercury (II) oxide

64.     hydroiodic acid

For each of the following formulas, write true if the formula is correct or if it is false, correct it!

65. NACl        
66. AlF3                
67. K3PO4      
68. CaNO3      
69. BaCl2        
70. Fli             
71. MgSO4      
72. Ca2C2H3O2
73. K2Cr2O7   
74. MgI