Wednesday 17 April 2024

Squamous carcinoma of the lung

Observe the slide showing squamous carcinoma of the lung
copyright Michael Bonert 

Draw this slide in colour, state your magnification  and label the nuclei.  Answer these questions:
1.  How do you know where the DNA is located in this image?
2.  What are some of the causes of lung cancer?
3.   How can lung cancer be prevented?
4.  What are some treatments? 

DNA replication lesson


Tuesday 9 April 2024

April 10, 11 A review of mitosis and meiosis.

 Although you studied mitosis and meiosis last year, it is worth a look again to make sure you have all the steps down correctly.  It will help you to understand our next unit which is Genetics.  This video explains how alleles are connected to the steps of mitosis and meiosis.  I also assume this is familiar from last year.

Your teacher will review these steps, explaining some of the complex parts and  give you time to answer the questions.  Next, your teacher will review the answers to the questions.  After this you will do a creative assignment to demonstrate that you understand this material.  

Please watch this video

Assignment 7
CREATIVELY answer the following questions on your own paper and photograph this and send it in through teams. Answer in full sentences and draw your answers.  

1.  What is Chromatin?  How many strands are there in a human?
2.  How many chromatids are there in a human?
3.  What is the 2n  or diploid number?
4.  What is mitosis used for?
5.  What is meiosis used for?
6.  Define "Gamete"
7.  What is the Haploid number?
8.  What organ makes sperm, what makes egg?
9.  How many chromatids are in a sperm or egg?
10 Draw a fertilization
11.  Draw how sperm cells are made using the number 46 to represent the chromatid number.
12.  Draw and label Chromatin, Chromatid, Sister chromatids, Chromosome.  And show me a homologous chromosome
13.    Draw a mitosis with 2n= 6.  Label the stages in detail. Remember to draw Interphase and show chromatins.
14.  Draw a meiois with 2n=6.   Label the stages.
Again, draw interphase and show the chromatin.
15a. Why does crossing over happen during prophase I?
15b.  What is primary nondisjunction.  What can happen to the chromatid number?

16.  The word chromosome is very tricky it's true definition is:

1 chromosome = 2 identical sister chromatids joined together in a centromere,
What is the other definition and why can it be a very tricky word?

17.  Write the steps of meiosis and mitosis side by side.   (this is at the end of the video)

You can also take a look at this resource.  It is meiosis and mitosis from a college level text book.  This is extended reading for those who are interested in going through biology.  I think many of you can actually handle this level.

Cartoon /20
20 - This stands out in its effort and creativity
18-19. This is done in ink and colour and includes all the details above and the details are all correct.  This is excellent

15-17. This is very good work with effort and correct details.  Some details are not there but most are there and there is excellent quality of drawing and presentation.

10-14. This is a very good start and your work shows creativity.  It is not in colour or ink and looks like a very nice draft

5-9.  This is incomplete but a decent start.

Powerpoint  with screen grabs from video or illustrations of your own
20. Your powerpoint truly stands out.  You show exceptional talent and you include all the details
19-19. Your powerpoint  shows talent in writing, with creative and memorable words.  You include all the details above 

15-17. This is very good work with effort and correct details.  Some details are not there but most are there and there is excellent quality of writing.

10-14. This is a very good start and your work shows creativity. like a very nice draft

5-9.  This is incomplete but a decent start.

April 12: Mitosis lab

 The mitosis slides are located in the second back room.  They can be a challenge to look at.  If they can be found then your teacher will assist you in observing these prepared slides .  

Draw mitosis under high power in the light  microscope in 3 pictures. Label the stages of mitosis

Edmund Beecher Wilson - Figure 2 of: Wilson, Edmund B. (1900) The cell in Development and Inheritance (2nd ed.)

steps of cell cycle:  you should write a table showing the steps as well as the
role of other organelles

a.  cell is undergoing growth.  After a period of growth, it prepares to divide
b.  cell replicates its DNA.  Nuclear membrane is still intact
Nuclear membrane disappears and the chromosomes are visible
chromosomes line up in the middle and Centrioles send out the spindle fibres to attach to the centromere
centromeres get ripped apart and thus the chromosomes get ripped apart into separate chromatids
nuclear membrane reforms around the chromatids
chromatin is in the nucleus now.

Monday 1 April 2024

Tuesday, April 2 : Worksheet: There are 4 ways to increase the rate of reaction

 Read the following notes. Ways to increase rate of reaction

Assignment : Do the study questions, put your name on it and hand it in when done    Answer key is here.  or here  Your teacher will make a list of who finished this assignment. 

Wednesday , Thursday April 3, 4 Lesson: Introduction to DNA

 Watch my videos on DNA, review the concepts in the slides below  and use class time to complete the assignments which are due on Friday.  

Here is another video from youtube which explains these concepts in more detail.

Assignment - 15 points


A. Summarize the main points of the DNA notes AND the DNA slide show in a Cartoon Format and make a clear photo of this cartoon.  upload your assignment in Microsoft Teams.   Include the details about Watson and Crick and Franklin.

10 points:  You included all the main points in a colourful, creative format which is written in ink and coloured.  You used humour and creativity and your assignment stands out for showing an understanding of the key points

8-9 :  you include all the main points and you show excellence and creativity. your assignment is in colour and inked

5-7 :  you include most of the main points and your assignment is handed in. It is a good start and  You needed more time to finish this.

2-4:  you handed something in that was not quite complete, although it is a pretty good start

You may do Assignment 3 Aas a poem that rhymes if you don't want to draw.

3B.  take a picture of  your drawing of this worksheet filled out: You may redraw it or edit it in Paint.
5 points

If there is time on Friday, do the Clover lab

 We know that plants are important to the ecosystem because they photosynthesize. Did you know that some plants are legumes and these are special because they have ROOT NODULES which are nitrogen fixers.  These root nodules are little rooms where Rhizobium bacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonium and then Nitrobacter bacterium in the soil  converts ammonium into nitrates. Plants can absorb nitrates to make plant protein.  When those plants are eaten by animals, then animals use the nitrogen to make animal protein.  You can say that all the protein on your body (muscles, enzymes, hair, fingernail etc) was built from nitrogen which was fixed by Rhizobium at some point in time.  

ASSIGNMENT:  10 points

Only certain plants contain these root nodules...amongst them are  bean plants and clover plants.   Look at the morphology of clover plants below.  Look on our school grounds  and find AS MANY DIFFERENT GENETIC VARIETIES as you can.  Upload your clover pic  on a word doc or ppt and hand in as an assignment. 

This picture is from research done by Tashiro et al on the genetics of clover plants.


1. Your pictures of the clovers or clover patch
2.  The numbers of EACH TYPE of clover 
3.   Why is it important to keep a species inventory of plants such as clover in an ecosystem?

Thursday 14 March 2024

3 mystery liquids


What is the identity of the three liquids?  Write/draw your procedure in cartoon format and upload your observations in form of photos.  Explain your findings using vocab words from our chem unit: acid, base, salt, indicator, neutralization, pH, equation. 

ALSO, USE THIS LAB, to explain HOW the "red  wine, white wine" magic trick worked.  

EVALUATION   IS OUT OF 25 IN TOTAL and you may work in a group of two or three
presentation is out of 5.  for 5/5 it is typed  with illustrations or photos .    
 for 4/5 it is pretty good but there are a few spelling mistakes.  for 0-3 out of 5 it is in pencil or messy.  I prefer this to be printed

Clear writing is out of 10.  for 9/10 or 10/10, it is written with no English mistakes and it clearly communicates each part of the lab report.    7-8/10  it is very well written     for 5-6/10 some parts are not so clear and the reader must guess what you are trying to say.  0-4/10, it is minimally communicating what happened

Paragraphs are insightful and your observations are well done. this is out of 10.
             9-10/10,   your observations and conclusions are well written and logical.  It is brilliant
              7-8/10   your observations and conclusions are very well done
               5-6   your conclusions don't really logically follow from your results
                0-4   your conclusions are not relating to your results at all

Monday 11 March 2024

Chemistry Karate Practice!

 This is the  Chemistry practice sheet Here is the Chemistry practice sheet key.

Do the work on this practice sheet on your own piece of paper up to page 11.  If you finish, you can continue your practice.   Take breaks as you need to! This is hard work!
 10 marks for completing this. 

later,  is an activity next week called " Chemistry Karate"  where your chemistry skills will be respectfully assessed by myself and by peers and you will demonstrate your level of chemistry karate belt.  The goal is to move up one belt, not for everyone to be a black belt ! 


Tuesday 5 March 2024


TEACHING NOTES: First lets review the main types of reactions: 

notes on types of reactions

Study Guide  and answer key below

 answer key to your chapter 6 worksheet

LESSON: Chemical reactions may be categorized as follows : 

1.     Synthesis
2.     Decomposition
3.     Single replacement
4.     Double replacement

5.     Combustion
       Cellular Respiration
6.     Oxidation of metals

Synthesis reaction:
element     +   element    -->    compound

Decomposition reaction:
Compound    -->   element     +     element

Compound --> smaller compound    +   element


single replacement

Combustion:  combustion may happen to any *organic compound* meaning any compound made of carbon, hydrogen and/or oxygen...
Carbon based compound+ oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water
+ heat and light energy

Cell respiration looks like combustion,
BUT IT IS NOT. YOUR CELLS ARE NOT COMBUSTING.  The carbon based compound in this case is glucose, a simple sugar.

Glucose +   oxygen -->  carbon dioxide + water + energy for cell

Oxidation reaction

Metal +  oxygen   -->   metal oxide


In summary....

 answer key to your chapter 6 worksheet

Friday 1 March 2024

Calcium lab report


Lab Jounral assignment includes the following labs:

Assignment:   Write up our lab on Calcium and water. FORMAT:  paper write up or word doc or pdf or powerpoint 

image by Katelyn M

 Your lab must include the following

1.  Your First and Last name 

2. Purpose of lab:  The purpose of the lab is to find out what happens when you add calcium to water. PART I  Describe the teacher demo that preceded this lab. 

3.a Materials: write a complete list of materials that we used 
b.  Safety:  list the safety precautions for this lab

4. Procedure: Draw a cartoon to describe the step by step procedure  that is so well written that another person could read it and replicate your actions exactly. You may also upload pics demonstrating your procedure. 

5.  What is the question we are trying to answer?  For example there were two possible gases that came out of this reaction.  What gases were they? What are the three BALANCED EQUATIONS that were possible outcomes of this lab?

6. Results:  Describe in detail what happened after you did the procedure.  Include any photos you took.  How did you know you made the gas, which gas?  

7.  What was the white stuff?  How did you test for the identity of the white stuff? 

8. Write your conclusion in paragraph form.  


presentation is out of 5.  for 5/5 it is typed  with illustrations or photos and handed in electronically or on paper
     for 4/5 it is pretty good but there are a few spelling mistakes.  for 0-3 out of 5 it is in pencil or messy.  I prefer this to be printed

Clear writing is out of 10.  for 9/10 or 10/10, it is written with no English mistakes and it clearly communicates each part of the lab report.    7-8/10  it is very well written     for 5-6/10 some parts are not so clear and the reader must guess what you are trying to say.  0-4/10, it is minimally communicating what happened

Paragraphs are insightful and your observations are well done. this is out of 10.
             9-10/10,   your observations and conclusions are well written and logical.  It is brilliant
              7-8/10   your observations and conclusions are very well done
               5-6   your conclusions don't really logically follow from your results
                0-4   your conclusions are not relating to your results at all

Monday 26 February 2024

Bohr Diagram and Lewis Diagram


You will practice drawing Bohr Diagrams and Lewis diagrams.   You can practice this by working through  this Study guide on the same topic  and the Answer key   or you can work on any worksheets provided in class.

Your teacher will make a list of your names from the attendance roster and give you 5 marks for completing this work

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Ionic bonding and covalent bonding, Nomenclature




 Nomenclature practice sheet. Do these practice sheets for 5 marks 

Answer key is here

The Analogy of Lego and an intro to the Periodic Table


An analogy for Atoms, Compounds and Formula, drawn by SN This video is the first in the series for beginner Chemistry. In this video, I use the analogy of the atom as units very much like "lego bricks". This analogy was first used by researchers in MIT.

Thursday 8 February 2024




                         WHMIS -  WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS 

                         MATERIALS INFORMATION

      THESE symbols are on the MSDS sheet for
       all chemicals    Materials safety Data Sheet. 


1. Follow teacher instructions
a.     If you wish to change instructions, check with teacher
b.     If you break anything or get hurt, report it REPORT ACCIDENTS

2.     .No horseplay, fooling around
3.     Keep yourself safe
a.     Hair tied back, no loose clothing, shoes are closed
b.     If chemicals get on skin, use water
c.     Use eyewash if anything gets in eyes
d.     Wear goggles if needed
e.  If you wear contacts, inform the teacher

4.       Keep your area safe
a.     your work area is neat and organized
b.     you have your lab instructions
c.     aware of fire safety and chemical safety

5.     Keep the classroom safe
a.     Carry materials in a safe way
b.     Aware of fire safety procedure
c.     Don’t remove any experiments from the classroom
d.     Don’t do experiments without first checking with teacher.

6.       Hot and cold and chemical safety
a.     never assume the temperature of something.  Take precautions
b.     hot beaker and cold beaker look identical
c.     always point a test tube away from everyone
d.     when smelling a chemical, waft.

You will create safety rules by reading and summarizing the safety procedures in your poster

The rules can be under the following categories:

      Talk to the instructor                     

Keep the classroom safe
Keeping your work area safe
Keep safe with your colleagues
Keep yourself safe
Know the correct symbols, WHIMIS symbols

     be familiar with emergency procedures for fire, toxins, spills, and evacuation  

SAFETY ASSIGNMENT: . Make a poster of the safety rules 

Make a safety poster which is 
Exceptionally creative and it stands out  It includes all the WHMIS symbols and all the science SAFETY rules listed above . It is done in colour and ink  22-25/25

Your poster is very creative and artistic and includes all the WHMIS symbols and all the science rules . It is done in pencil  18-21 

all the WHMIS symbols and all the science rules . It is mostly done and needs a bit extra work 10-15

This is a good start and seems like a great draft. It needs more time to complete it. 0-10

Tuesday 16 January 2024

EM scavenger hunt


First block 

1.  A wave with a frequency that is slower than infrared waves and faster than radio waves 

2.   Living things that have 7 colours of the visible spectrum (Can be 7 people) 

3.   Americium

4.   Someone who got radiation *on purpose * 

5.  find something with radio waves 

Second block  

1.  a radioactive food

2.   Something that makes  a with a frequency wave slower than infrared wave and which can transmit images and sound

3.   Someone who has had radiation on purpose & the radiation has a faster wavelength than UV

4.   Someone with something that *filters* UV light 

5.  Something that makes waves with a frequency that is slower than infrared, faster than radio waves 

6.  Americium