Tuesday 8 May 2018

Watch another video series on kinematics

answer key to the Average velocity Section 8.2 is here  please note that the page numbers ought to be noted to understand the answer key.  correction on answer key:  page 158 #3c should say that A is faster because it is a steeper slope

If the teacher doesn't put it on the projector, then try watching it on your phones.  Click on the series  here  and watch the examples of how to answer the questions.
And then try these questions here and check them against the answer key.

the answer key to the calcuations on the questions are below: note correction on number 4

  1. displacement = final position – initial position.
    d= df- di The df= 7cm and di = 5cm.
    d= 7 cm – 5 cm
    d= 2 cm
  2. Average velocity is equal to displacement over time
    v= ∆d/ ∆t first, ∆d=df-di ∆d= 1200m – 150m = 1050m.
    Next the time is 30 minutes but we measure this in seconds so
    30 min = 30 min x 60s/min = 1800s so
    v= ∆d/ ∆t
    v= 1050 m/1800s
    v= o.583 m/s
  3. 5.2 m/s is not walking velocity, it's running velocity.
  4. Calculating m/s so these are the equations you need:
    v= ∆d/ ∆t and since ∆d=df-di, then ∆v= ( df-di) / ∆t
    So ∆v= ∆d / ∆t
    19m/h = ∆d / .53h
    solve for ∆d 19miles  x  .53h = 10.07miles
  5. She ran around a track and her ∆d =0. Therefore her velocity would be 0 as well
  6. d = 0 but we are now calculating speed d or total distance is 561m and the speed of sound is 340 m/s
    s = total distance/time therefore
    time = total distance/speed s= 561m and total distance is 561m
    time = 561m/340m/s
    time = 1.65 s
  7. B
  8. F
  9. D
  10. A
  11. E
  12. G

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Watch the videos on kinimatics, make notes on the videos and do the worksheet questions

Read this text summarizing what we are learning now. do these questions

Speed vs Velocity

finally, the meaning of the shape of the position time graph

Watch this intro video on Kinematics and then work on the worksheet provided. Some of you got this worksheet last period. Some of you will get it today. We will go over this when I come back

Now watch an example of the calculations for velocity