Thursday 31 January 2019

Radiation Effects on People

Get into a group of 3 or 4 and brainstorm on topics related to Radiation and its effect on people.
There are positive effects of radiation, such as for the following:  Your topics are not limited to the following topics but these are some ideas:

Pure research in radiation:  discovering elements
Discovering DNA using x-ray diffraction
Nuclear Power plants save energy
Nuclear medicine
-   using isotopes for cancer treatment
-   isotopes for imaging and diagnosis (breast cancer, x-rays, angiograms etc)
-   using subatomic particles to treat eye cancer at TRIUMF

There are negative effects:
The atomic bomb story. making the bomb
aftereffects of the bomb - victim impact Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Nuclear accidents - Chermobyl and other nuclear melt-downs
Japanese Tsunami and the radiation leak from nuclear power plants
Contamination of the ecosystem

WRITE DOWN YOUR IDEAS ON THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS. Read the books provided by our librarian and come up with four proposals for a group presentation:
2 proposals deal with negative effects
2 proposals deal with positive effects

hand in this paper for 5 marks today