Thursday 30 November 2023

DNA Replication Lesson

  Watch all three videos on DNA replication.   Start with my lecture video. You will get a quiz on this content

This DNA replication Song was made by my students in 2007.  They were grade 11 students taking my bio 12 course.  Their music teacher is the same as your band teacher now.

Assignment : Answer the following questions in a creative format

1. Why does DNA replication happen?  Give three reasons
2. a. Draw a nucleotide and identify the 5' end and the 3' end
    b. draw a DNA ladder structure and label the 5' and 3 ' end

3.  Compare and contrast DNA and RNA.
a.  What are they made of?
b. What are their nitrogen bases?
c.  What enzymes synthesize DNA and RNA?
d.  How does DNA polymerase join one nucleotide with another nucleotide?

4.  What are the main steps of DNA Replication.  Include details of what each enzyme does
a.  Helicase
b. Primase
c. DNA pol III
d.  exonuclease
e. DNA pol I
f. ligase

5.  In what direction does DNA polymerase synthesize the new DNA strand?
6.  How is the lead strand different from the lag strand?
7.  What is an okazaki fragment?

Creative Formats:  Choose one format
-Draw a cartoon in colour.

-make a poster (hard copy or digital is ok)

-Write a poem or rap  that actually rhymes
Sing or perform the song (can be with a partner.)

- record an interview (radio interview or video)

- record a "podcast"


you think of some other sort of creative format and propose it.  I am open to suggestions


Cartoon or poster or model with pipe cleaner /20

If you are using pipe cleaners use a pipe cleaner to represent one strand of DNA. Use an object to represent the enzymes involved. label these enzymes and photograph the steps of DNA repication.  Put these photographs in a powerpoint presentation. 
20 - This stands out in its effort and creativity
18-19. This is done in ink and colour and includes all the details above and the details are all correct.  This is excellent

15-17. This is very good work with effort and correct details.  Some details are not there but most are there and there is excellent quality of drawing and presentation.

10-14. This is a very good start and your work shows creativity.  It is not in colour or ink and looks like a very nice draft

5-9.  This is incomplete but a decent start.

Wednesday 22 November 2023

DNA lesson

 Watch my videos on DNA

Here is another video from youtube which explains these concepts in more detail.

Assignment - 15 points


A. Summarize the main points of the DNA notes AND the DNA slide show in a Cartoon Format and make a clear photo of this cartoon.  upload your assignment in Microsoft Teams.   Include the details about Watson and Crick and Franklin.

10 points:  You included all the main points in a colourful, creative format which is written in ink and coloured.  You used humour and creativity and your assignment stands out for showing an understanding of the key points

8-9 :  you include all the main points and you show excellence and creativity. your assignment is in colour and inked

5-7 :  you include most of the main points and your assignment is handed in. It is a good start and  You needed more time to finish this.

2-4:  you handed something in that was not quite complete, although it is a pretty good start

You may do Assignment 3 Aas a poem that rhymes if you don't want to draw.

3B.  take a picture of  your drawing of this worksheet filled out: You may redraw it or edit it in Paint.
5 points