Tuesday 18 January 2022

Walk to Trout Lake: Wednesday, Jan 19


We will go for a walk to Trout Lake and do a Scavenger Hunt on your own or with a partner.  

Photograph the following and compile a 10 slide power point to hand into Teams.  you must take photographs with at least one member of your group in the picture, or their hand pointing to an object.  The objects will be examples of the parts of an ecosystem

Motion of a moving ball


In this lab, you will create a data table from moving a ball along a number line.  You will also calculate average velocity in your graph.  Furthermore, you will do the velocity worksheet and  this is the answer key

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Ecosystem Walk to Trout Lake Park: Tuesday and Wednesday


Please review my ecosystem lecture.  We will go on an ecosystem walk to Trout Lake Park  to identify aspects of the ecosystem.  Please hand in the field study form.  

We will have a Scavenger Hunt Assignment to take a pictures of all  parts of the ecosystem mentioned in the lecture 

Saturday 8 January 2022

Welcome back ! Field Study Safety Consent Form and Omicron Safety Poster

Dear Students,

As I welcome you back to school in the midst of our 5th wave of Covid-19, I would like to review our safety rules in class:  Community prevelance of Covid is extremely high right now, so you  must assume you will be exposed to Omicron when you return to school. There is no vaccine mandate at school so there is no way of knowing who is at higher or lower risk. Further there is no more contact tracing so we have no idea who is infected and who is not.  

The following safety precautions will be made to mitigate the risk from this exposure:

1.  Windows open at all times in my class while I supervise the class. Dress warmly! 

2.  Outdoor activities are  being planned for the remainder of the semester.

3.  Students are NOT to attend school sick. There will be NO ACADEMIC CONSEQUENCES for absence in my class. If you email me to say you are not feeling well and will be home, I will mark you absent, and will excuse your absence. Further if you feel more comfortable learning from home, please contact me and I will be flexible for you.

4.  I STRONGLY RECOMMEND NO EATING INDOORS as this is where the exposure is most likely to occur. If you eat  OUTDOORS, it is much safer and will help reduce the chance of getting sick and missing school. 

5. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND upgrading your mask to N95 if possible. The black VSB masks given out were washable K95s.  These masks need to be tightly fitted on your face 

6. While students of any vaccine status is very welcome in my class,  I STRONGLY RECOMMEND making sure you are fully vaccinated and you access the booster shot as soon as possible. This step will enhance safety at our school. 

I am commited to airborne precautions in my class.   This means walks to Trout Lake, to the forest in Central Park, to the Renfrew Ravine to do ecological activities.  It means doing in class labs in cold wintry conditions .  We can try our best to  beat Omicron and have fun doing it!  


 We will be spending some time on LOCAL FIELD STUDY in the month of January to end the semester!  Please have a look at the field study form which you will need to hand in SIGNED by your parent or guardian. this form is due on Tuesday for 5 marks.  

I would also like you to design a safety poster (can be digital or on paper) which summarizes the main points of this important paper written by academics and doctors.  TRY TO ILLUSTRATE THIS with as FEW WORDS as possible.  It can be in a variety of creative formats such as A COMIC, a POSTER, a RAP or POEM, illustrated, a PODCAST or recording of a public safety announcement.

The best of these assignments will be shared with professionals with credit to you.  If they use it as part of a pandemic safety campaign, you may put that on your resume or portfolio!  20 marks

20 - This stands out in its effort and creativity. 
18-19. This is done in ink and colour and includes all the details above and the details are all correct.  This is excellent

15-17. This is very good work with effort and correct details.  Some details are not there but most are there and there is excellent quality of drawing and presentation.

10-14. This is a very good start and your work shows creativity.  It is not in colour or ink and looks like a very nice draft

5-9.  This is incomplete but a decent start.