Today I invited you to a fancy French restaurant and served you "red wine or white wine"...
Do an experiment with three unknown chemicals. Write up your experiment in a lab report. Use your knowledge from the Acids and Bases notes to deduce what happened during our little magic trick. Write up your experiment.
>EVALUATION IS OUT OF 25 IN TOTAL and you may work in a group of two or three
presentation is out of 5. for 5/5 it is typed with illustrations or photos and emailed to for 4/5 it is pretty good but there are a few spelling mistakes. for 0-3 out of 5 it is in pencil or messy. I prefer this to be printed
Clear writing is out of 10. for 9/10 or 10/10, it is written with no English mistakes and it clearly communicates each part of the lab report. 7-8/10 it is very well written for 5-6/10 some parts are not so clear and the reader must guess what you are trying to say. 0-4/10, it is minimally communicating what happened
Paragraphs are insightful and your observations are well done. this is out of 10.
9-10/10, your observations and conclusions are well written and logical. It is brilliant
7-8/10 your observations and conclusions are very well done
5-6 your conclusions don't really logically follow from your results
0-4 your conclusions are not relating to your results at all
write all names and who contributed what including the % of their contribution. so two people who contributed equally would be50%