Friday 23 April 2021

Welcome to Science Class

 Welcome to Science 10! 

This course is a lab course which will cover Chemistry, Physics, and Biology   It is expected that you will receive most of your course content on line and we will do labs and field study in class.  You will hand in ALL assignments through Microsoft Teams.    I have set up my class so that the majority of the class notes shall be distributed on line from this blog.  

The majority of class time will be lab work (chemistry and physics experiments, microscope work) and also field study (walking to Trout Lake).  My windows shall be open ALL THE TIME to give us nice fresh air.  


I would like you to download this consent form and bring it to class. It will give us the ability to walk to Trout Lake or Renfrew Ravine at any time that I announce during the term.   Bring this consent form to class.   evaluation:  5 points for handing this in

As we go into your Quadmester, I would like to prepare for learning during the third wave of Covid 19, including transmission of covid variants.   I would like to remind everyone that the best way to protect one another in class is to keep our distance (2m), wash our hand frequently AND to wear a mask. 

I invite you to flatten the curve by these simple measures! We will beat Covid 19 together!   Further, all of my class assignments will be posted here on this blog and therefore, if anyone misses any class due to illness, or self-isolation, you can easily keep up with the work. 


 In class, our safety measures will include:

- 15 students in every class.   

- physical distance, as much as possible

- wear a mask! It is required  (if you have medical reasons for not wearing a mask, please have your guardian inform me) 

- no academic penalties for being home sick, for isolating or for a +ive diagnosis of covid-19 either in yourself or a household member.

- windows shall be open in my class to admit adequate ventilation.  Further we will conduct class outside wherever possible as outside is safer than inside at this time.  Dress for the weather and be prepared to be outdoors rain or shine. 

- for Quadmester 4, in May, I will hold many science classes outdoors for the first few weeks so that all those who are over 40 (many of your parents and guardians) may access vaccines before we do more indoor learning, in June.  

Cases are very high especially in our neighbourhood.  case per 100 000 is 257 and this means 1 out of every 500 people in the Kensington neighbourhood is +ive for covid 19 in the last few weeks. I am determined to reduce any exposure risk in my classroom by holding class in the school garden or school grounds.  Dress accordingly with hat or sunglasses or rain jacket if we are to take a walk.