Wednesday 14 April 2021

Flex assignment for Wednesday: Find examples of genetic variation in plants or animals.

 Do you notice that your friends have traits that  exhibit genetic variation?  We are not all the same height, with the same hair colour, or eye colour. We are not clones.

Genetic variation is caused by sexual reproduction.  Sexual reproduction mixes up genes from a previous generation. A population is defined as a group of organisms which are the SAME SPECIES which can mate and produce FERTILE OFFSPRING.  For example a horse is genetically similar to a donkey but they are not the same species because their baby cannot make more babies.  Their offspring is a mule which is infertile.

Plants show variation of species if you look very carefully...  Today, FIND A POPULATION. This could be a plant population or a fungus population.  it could be leaves of many plants which are the same species.  Note the variation.   They can be a flock of birds or it could be three different dogs.  It could be cats.  YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR FROG. 

 Take a pic of a population showing variation.  Examples below.  Use your frog and upload on the Wednesday flex channel.  Write what trait you are observing (colour, texture, size)

species: heather plant.  variation:  colour

Note the variegated pattern of the leaves.  not one leaf is the same. It shows variation, but all these plants are the same species:

These two magnolias show genetic variation: