Monday, 3 March 2025

Dry Ice lab: Solid CO2


you did  a solid carbon dioxide lab

Assignment : upload a video/ photos of one of your dry ice experiments. 

Do a lab report on this lab! /20

Your lab must include the following

1.  First and Last names of all investigators
2. Purpose of lab:  write about how this lab illustrates the law of conservation of mass.  Explain how the lab relates to the law
3. Materials: write a complete list of materials that we used
4. Procedure: write a step by step procedure (including illustrations if it makes it clearer) that is so well written that another person could read it and replicate your actions exactly
5.  Results:  Describe in detail what happened after you did the procedure.  

6.  Write a conclusion

EVALUATION   IS OUT OF 20 IN TOTAL and you may work in a group of two or three
presentation is out of 5.  for 5/5 it is typed  with illustrations or photos and emailed to     for 4/5 it is pretty good but there are a few spelling mistakes.  for 0-3 out of 5 it is in pencil or messy.  I prefer this to be printed

Clear writing is out of 5  for full marks, it is written with no English mistakes and it clearly communicates each part of the lab report.    2-4  it is very well written     for 1-2,some parts are not so clear and the reader must guess what you are trying to say.  0-4/10, it is minimally communicating what happened

Paragraphs are insightful and your observations are well done. this is out of 10.
             9-10/10,   your observations and conclusions are well written and logical.  It is brilliant
              7-8/10   your observations and conclusions are very well done
               5-6   your conclusions don't really logically follow from your results
                0-4   your conclusions are not relating to your results at all