Monday 9 May 2022

Draw Eukaryotic cells

 Prokaryotes are bacteria. Their DNA is a ring inside their cytoplasm. Eukaryotes are all other types of cells and they have their DNA packaged inside a NUCLEUS.  Today, you will examine two types of Eukaryotic cells: AMOEBA PROTEUS and BIRD BLOOD. 

These cells have their nucleus stained.  Draw two clear pictures of the specimens and on your lab sheet list 5 interesting facts about your specimen using your own research. Put these facts directly on your drawing. Put your name on your sheet, photograph your beautiful drawings and hand in through TEAMS 


8-10.  you draw in colour and you draw carefully. you also included 5 facts each of each. You do a careful job 

6-7. you draw the specimens very carefully and you included 5 facts of each. 

0-5. You have a good start, but you did not complete the assignment.