Thursday 14 January 2021

discovery of DNA, assignments 3 and 4 for biology

 have a look at the notes on DNA, the slideshow on DNA as well as the video explanation of nucleotides and how they fit. Watch my video on DNA

Here is another video from youtube which explains these concepts in more detail.

Two assignments  in MS teams

Assignment 3 - 15 points


A. Summarize the main points of the DNA notes AND the DNA slide show in a Cartoon Format and make a clear photo of this cartoon.  upload your assignment in Microsoft Teams.   Include the details about Watson and Crick and Franklin.

10 points:  You included all the main points in a colourful, creative format which is written in ink and coloured.  You used humour and creativity and your assignment stands out for showing an understanding of the key points

8-9 :  you include all the main points and you show excellence and creativity. your assignment is in colour and inked

5-7 :  you include most of the main points and your assignment is handed in. It is a good start and  You needed more time to finish this.

2-4:  you handed something in that was not quite complete, although it is a pretty good start

You may do Assignment 3 Aas a poem that rhymes if you don't want to draw.

3B.  take a picture of  your drawing of this worksheet filled out: You may redraw it or edit it in Paint.
5 points

Assignment 4. MAKE A MODEL of DNA 10 points
Make a labeled model of DNA in your house. Write your name on a piece of paper and put it in the picture. This must be a pic of a physical model, not a digital model. Make sure that the model is a Right handed helix and not a Left handed one!

10 points:  you made a model and it includes a PAPER SHOWING YOUR FULL NAME in front of it. The model has all the parts and it is labeled. it is easy to see and clear. you made a model that stands out

8-9: you made an excellent model which includes everything asked for. you include a paper showing your full name

5-7 some parts of the model are not complete

2-4 you handed something in that was not complete.

NOTE: I WILL ACCEPT AN ORIGAMI ASSIGNMENT. colour it differently than what is on this template:  remember to write your name on a paper in the picture and/or include a pic of yourself, holding it up.