Wednesday 14 November 2018

Unknown Substance A, B and C

You have been given 3 beakers of unknown substances.   Devise an experiment to determine the identity of these substances.  Note that a hint is in a few of the worksheets that have been handed out in the last two weeks!

1.  Title of lab   5 marks
2.  Collaborators and pie graph:  who are the investigators and what did they do?   5 marks
3.  Write your purpose in a paragraph.     10 marks
You write clearly and get your point across. you write well      7-10 marks
your paragraph is not in sentence form or it is not so clear 5-6 marks
your paragraph needs some editing or some work to make it complete  0-4 marks
4.   Write your procedure in a step by step fashion with illustrations in pen and in colour   
10 marks
your steps are very clear and your illustrations and photos are very detailed and help tell the story effectively
7-10 marks
your steps are clear and you have a few illustrations
3-6 marks

your steps tell the story and needs more work to make it complete
0-2 marks

Results and Discussion  10 marks
You report your results and describe what you found in a clear fashion with illustrations and photos
8-10 marks
your results are easy to understand
your results are hard to understand

Conclusion   5 marks
Note that your result can be "inconclusive" if you are not sure of what happened!

You tell me your conclusion AND your reasoning in a well written fashion

you tell me your conclusion but  your reasoning is not easily followed

you simply write a conclusion with no reasoning